Heal your stomach instead of suffering in silence.

Colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas - no matter what you have, it’s about to go away with our nutritional wellness program.

Make your stomach ache disappear by upgrading your lifestyle!

Persistent or chronic abdominal pain can be debilitating. The sight of food suddenly makes you feel nauseous and no amount of relaxation can bring you comfort. Stomach aches come in all forms and sizes, but you don’t have to put up with it anymore. Our stomach wellness program is a combination of nutritional therapy, stress management, diet modification, natural supplements, and relaxing detox therapy. Our results are permanent and a lifestyle change that will rid you of your aches for good.

Results include:

✓ Reduction of overall abdominal pain and discomfort
✓ Improvement of nutrition and increased intake of water hydration
✓ Increased vigor and energy
✓ Reduced dependencies from sugar products, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine etc.
✓ Better sleep
✓ Positive steps towards a healthy lifestyle

The journey to your health begins with just one phone call. Talk to us and see how you can regain control of your life again.


Wellness Shop

Alternative Health is an authorized retailer of M’lis. We only use the best natural supplements and skincare products on our clients, and these are now available to you on our online store. View our stomach wellness collection here.


“I always had problems with my digestive system and I was bloated and gassy all the time. I was suffering all the time. After the first week I felt energetic and my heartburn was gone. I also did not feel the bloating anymore. After the two months, I lost almost 20 pounds and everybody was seeing it and saying: “You look great”.

— Naida S.